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BizDirect Companies

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Instant Solutions and Consultancy - Branding Division

Think Ahead, Brand Ahead, Get Ahead

Bulawayo, Bulawayo


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Glen Lodge and Tours

Bulawayo, Bulawayo

+ 2639460269

0.0 / 5
Zimbabwe Open University

Empowerment Through Open Learning

Harare, Harare

263 242 795990/1

Closed now
0.0 / 5
Millenium Footwear

Bulawayo, Bulawayo

+263 772 287 271

Introducing the ZNCC Express Card

One of the biggest reasons why you should join the Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce. Watch this video and see how the chamber is value adding your membership!

About the Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce

Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit making membership-based organization that provides services designed to support its members in business development.

As an independent organisation, the ZNCC has represented the interests of its members for over 100 years especially through advocacy and provides a focus on business empowerment as the engine for economic growth. ZNCC also aims to be a leader in business development in the national economy and a channel of communication between business and the various authorities in Zimbabwe.


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These exchange rates are as per second from the International Exchange Indices
Liquid Intelligent Technologies

SADC Economic Tracker

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2. Davipel Holdings

Davipel is a dried food manufacturing company established in 2002. 
Harare, Mashonaland


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